Hola from Nicaragua! We are so excited to share with you all God has been doing these last months. God continues to make it clear that we are to be intentional to provide the resources, training, and modeling for the pastors and their communities to carry on and expand discipleship in Nicaragua.
Discipleship Resources
One of our primary calls by God is to disciple and provide resources for discipleship. In our search for resources in Spanish we met Carlos Astorga, the editing director of Lifeway’s Spanish Resource Department. We are now praying and preparing to raise funds to purchase and provide copies for pastors, church leaders, and several chapters of Vida Joven (YoungLife). This discipleship program takes an average of one year and will enable each of these individuals to train, lead, and model for others the disciple life and continue the process throughout Nicaragua. We are not able to provide all they need yet, but they are so eager to start that they are beginning with the little we have been able to provide.
Bible Study Resources
A big part of our ministry is providing biblically sound material for group Bible studies. There are at least 8 studies currently going on in several different communities.
Friday Night Discipleship
Every Friday night a small group of young men meets at our home for dinner, fellowship, and a time to go deeper into God’s Word. They ask some really good questions!
Healthy Neighbors International Donation
Dr. Franco is our gatekeeper physician for the patients we facilitate care for the special group of doctors, nurses, and administrators connected with Healthy Neighbors International (HNI). She is also the Medical Director at UNAN University. Dr. Franco shared a need for help in providing the purchase of a Human Body Model to be used as a teaching resource. We are excited to announce that HNI graciously exceeded her ask and authorized the purchase of 3 Human Body Models. We are so thankful for HNI and their love and support for the Nicaraguan people and medical community.
Bible Institute
Eric finished his first year teaching at the Bible Institute. The course was “The Attributes of God”. He was blessed to have Bryan Jacksel Rodriguez interpret for him each week. Eric is looking forward to teaching this course again next year along with an additional course on Evangelism.

Pastor Encouragement
Eric had the privilege of connecting Tom, a pastor from the U.S., with some of the pastors we are working with in several communities. The pastors were very encouraged by Tom and look forward to meeting again when he returns. We were thankful to have Quevit organize the meeting in San Dionisio and travel around with us to translate.
Eduardo and Gerald
We are so proud of these young men and love watching God work in their lives. Both have been a part of our ministry and are now living and working in Managua. They are a sweet example of what living in community looks like. Eduardo has been there for over a year and Gerald just moved last week. Eduardo is helping him adapt to life in the big city and is connecting Gerald with a pastor and church community in Managua. We love how Eduardo so unselfishly gives of his time and knowledge to help Gerald. He has truly learned to give to others what he has been given. We know Gerald would appreciate your prayers for this new season in his life.

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” Philippians 1:21
A very dear friend of ours passed away in August. He couldn’t read and had very little in the way of earthly possessions. He never missed attending Solingalpa’s weekly Bible study and was always eager to visit others and pray for and with them. The picture on the right is how we will always remember him, on his knees in prayer. We know he has a mansion now and we look forward to the day we see him again!
Huge Praise!
After an almost two-year process, we were finally able to renew our Nicaraguan residency! We were hoping to receive the maximum five-year residency but feel blessed with God’s provision for the one year. We know God is in the details and will continue to trust His timing. We are so thankful for your prayers!

Prayer Requests
Due to conditions in the country of Nicaragua there are fewer missionaries and greater needs. We are preparing a campaign to raise funds to provide for the increased need we are being lead by God to meet. We ask for you to pray and believe for His provision for His ministry to the people of Nicaragua.
How You Can Help
We are so thankful for all our family and friends that pray for us and financially support the ministry we have with MVI. If you are interested in partnering with us financially with a one-time donation or monthly giving, please follow the directions below:
1) Go to our website at https://www.inhisstepsnicaragua.org
2) Click on the yellow donate button. This will take you to our missionary giving page on the secure Missionary Ventures International website.
3) Follow the instructions on how you want to give either by credit card or ACH Donation (direct bank debit).
If you desire to mail a check, please make it payable to Missionary Ventures International and mail to MVI at 1017 Maitland Center Commons Boulevard Maitland, Florida 32751-7205. Please include a note on the memo line stating “Preferenced for Eric & Wendy Harbinson”.