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  • gregharbinson

February 2022 Ministry Update

We pray that 2022 has gotten off to a great start for each of you! We are always so thankful for time with our families around the holidays. We were able to be here for several important events and that is always a blessing. We've also been able to visit churches, have several meetings, and restock our resources.

Staying Connected

Ministry is always better face to face, but technology (especially WhatsApp) has made it very easy to stay in touch with our ministry partners in Nicaragua during our time in the States. We love these young men and their hearts for serving our Lord!

Healthy Neighbors International

Healthy Neighbors International has again provided funding for 50 smokeless stoves from the Avanza Ecocina Factory. We will be delivering these stoves to the communities of Solingalpa and San Dionisio the second week of March. These stoves are beneficial for the health of the families and are financially more efficient. HNI has now provided for the purchase of over 200 stoves and therefore significantly increased the quality of living for all of these families. We are so thankful for HNI!

Teaching Opportunity

Eric will begin his first semester teaching pastors on Saturdays at the Bible Institute in Matagalpa directed by The Hope Project. He will be teaching on The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer. He is very excited about this opportunity and we are looking forward to seeing God work!


A significant part of our ministry is providing needed resources to pastors and their communities. It is necessary, while we are in the US, to order and obtain the resources to carry back to Nicaragua. The blessing of support donations has made this possible. We are excited to be taking these to the people we serve in ministry!


We have been in continual contact with several pastors while we have been in the States. Before we left on our trip we made sure they had enough Bible Studies to last until our return. One of the pastors had us provide studies for a church in the city he moved from and he has been helping them. He said when we return this month he knows of a church in another city that needs biblically sound teaching. We love how God is expanding our reach for His Glory!

Soccer Jerseys and Cleats

It is with great appreciation that we take these soccer resources to our friend Isaias Salguera in the city of Jinotega. We would like to thank the Upward Soccer League, sponsored by Patterson Grove Baptist Church in Kings Mountain,NC for their generous donation. What a blessing!

How You Can Help

We are so thankful for all our family and friends that pray for us and financially support the ministry we have with MVI. If you are interested in partnering with us financially with a one-time donation or monthly giving, please follow the directions below:

1) Go to our website at

2) Click on the yellow donate button. This will take you to our missionary giving page on the secure Missionary Ventures International website.

3) Follow the instructions on how you want to give either by credit card or ACH Donation (direct bank debit).

If you desire to mail a check, please make it payable to Missionary Ventures International and mail to MVI at 1017 Maitland Center Commons Boulevard Maitland, Florida 32751-7205. Please include a note on the memo line stating “Preferenced for Eric & Wendy Harbinson”.

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