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  • gregharbinson

October / November 2021 Ministry Update

With Thanksgiving right around the corner we want to take this opportunity to say how thankful we are for each of you. Your prayers and support mean more than we can say! It is such a privilege for us to partner with you in ministry.


Due to the rise in Covid cases in August we scaled back our in person ministry. As we've scaled back we've continue to be in awe of how God does not. We've been able to provide so many resources during this time and work behind the scenes( which is how it should be), equipping pastors and church leaders with materials that teach God's Truth. One example of this has been through Quevit in the community of San Dionisio. He is using the resources provided in Sunday school classes at a small remote church, to start a book club, and to start a soccer league with discipleship. What a blessing Quevit has been and continues to be!

Healthy Neighbors International

Healthy Neighbors International hasn't been able to travel here since Oct. 2019 but they so faithfully continue to provide medical care to many people associated with our ministry. It has been our privilege this month, with the help of Quevit in San Dionisio, to take patients to doctor appointments, lab visits, and provide monthly medicines on HNI's behalf. Thank you HNI for loving on the people of Nicaragua so well!

Small meetings and gatherings

During this time we have been able to continue to meet with small groups of people and individual pastors. We look forward to resuming all of our ministry activities.

Connecting Digitally

We continue to send out daily devotions, trainings, video trainings, and worship songs in Spanish and English through WhatsApp and keep in touch with many through video chats. Ten different groups receive these teachings.

Additional Ministry Opportunities

God has also used this extra time at home to show us ministry opportunities that we might have otherwise missed. One example is the mother and 3 young children that come to our street each morning around 10:30 selling vegetables. Each day we've been able to build on our relationship. We've found out that her husband is in prison and she doesn't live near family, which is not common in this culture. She knows that we are living here with the purpose of teaching the Gospel and making disciples. We've been able to give her a Bible to read with her kids, pray with her, and bless her financially by paying a little more than she asks for each day. We would love for you to see a picture of her and her sweet kids but there hasn't been an appropriate time to take a photo. We pray each day for God to grant us the ability to see ministry opportunities.

Jeremy Perry - Life Well Lived!

We said before we've felt an urgency about doing what God has called us to do, which is to teach the Gospel and make disciples. This urgency was reinforced by the passing of our sweet friend and fellow missionary, Jeremy Perry. He and his family were here in Matagalpa ministering to the deaf community. Jeremy was faithful right up until the minute God called him home. We want our life to be the same. Please keep the Perry family in your prayers as they figure out God's next for them.

Praises and Prayer Requests

* We are resuming our regular ministry activities the month of November. This is a praise and prayer request.

* Our residency renewal continues to be an ongoing prayer request.

* We will be traveling to the States to spend Christmas with our family and meet with churches.

How You Can Help

We are so thankful for all our family and friends that pray for us and financially support the ministry we have with MVI. If you are interested in partnering with us financially with a one-time donation or monthly giving, please follow the directions below:

1) Go to our website at

2) Click on the yellow donate button. This will take you to our missionary giving page on the secure Missionary Ventures International website.

3) Follow the instructions on how you want to give either by credit card or ACH Donation (direct bank debit).

If you desire to mail a check, please make it payable to Missionary Ventures International and mail to MVI at 1017 Maitland Center Commons Boulevard Maitland, Florida 32751-7205. Please include a note on the memo line stating “Preferenced for Eric & Wendy Harbinson”.

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